How can I help?

Let’s talk!

Are you interested in English lessons? The first lesson is free. Please message me with:

  • Your name

  • Age

  • Country you live in now

  • First language

  • How long you have studied English

  • What day / time (Australian Eastern Standard Time) you want to meet.

If you’re a writer interested in my reading and/or editing services, I can provide a free quote. Please include the following in your message:

  • The genre of writing you wish to submit

  • The word count

  • Your intended audience (be as detailed as possible)

  • Which variant of English you’re working with (eg. American, Australian, British…)

  • The desired date you’d like feedback delivered to you by

  • A sample of your work (at least 200 words)

  • Which service you require. (See service options here.)

Any other questions? Send me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.